Friday, June 1, 2012

Herbal Tea and Ennui!

I think that is the cleverest title I will ever come up with.

Today I am officially over the hump. I don't feel super energetic or my normal bouncing off walls self. But I definitely feel more like myself, not at all spacey or really even that hungry. Just a little...blah. That being said there was some chocolate sitting out at the lab today and I almost cried passing it by.

In addition to the juice, I've been drinking non-caffeinated herbal tea, so that I can have something warm every once in a while. I'm generally a bit of a puris when it comes to herbal tea. Mint, chamomile, lemon-ginger, etc. I typically avoid fruit teas cause they don't taste like fruit, and frequently taste like poop. That being said I bought an herbal sampler from Stash Tea a while back, because I wanted to drink herbal tea with a little honey rather than having dessert. As if that was even a reasonable substitute. In an effort to try new things I've been going through them and I have to say so far they've pretty much adhered to what I said before. Except for Apple Cinnamon Chamomile. Which is delicious. It tastes like a slightly watered down version of hot apple cider if you add a little honey.

Juice of the Day!
...I don't know what was in the juice cause Chris made it!

But my protein fruit shake for tomorrow's breakfast is
2 Nectarines
2 bananas
1 clamshell of strawberries
Juice from 1 orange
2/3 cup protein powder

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